Battle of Britain planes grounded after pilot killed in Spitfire crash

Home UK News Battle of Britain planes grounded after pilot killed in Spitfire crash
Battle of Britain planes grounded after pilot killed in Spitfire crash

The Royal Air Force has temporarily grounded the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight following the death of a pilot in a crash.

Sqn Ldr Mark Long was killed when the Spitfire he was flying crashed in a field in Lincolnshire.

Emergency crews were called to the site near RAF Coningsby shortly before 13:20 BST on Saturday.

The RAF said it had taken the decision to ground the aircraft while investigations take place.

A spokesperson said: “Following the tragic accident at RAF Coningsby, and while the formal investigation is ongoing, the RAF has instigated a temporary pause in flying for the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF).”

In a post on Facebook, officials said the BBMF visitor centre would remain closed until further notice.

The BBMF planes, which include Spitfires, Hurricanes and a Lancaster bomber, are a popular sight at summer shows.

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