Infected blood victims could get £2m compensation

Home UK News Infected blood victims could get £2m compensation
Infected blood victims could get £2m compensation

The figures released also give examples of compensation awards for the family members of those infected.

The partner of someone infected with HIV who is still alive today, for example, should expect to receive around £110,000, while a child could get £55,000.

If their loved-one has died and they were financially dependent on them, annual payments are available.

The scheme will be administered by a new body called the Infected Blood Compensation Authority, which will be led initially by Sir Robert Francis, who chaired the inquiry into the Stafford Hospital scandal.

It is proposed that the compensation will be taken as a lump sum or series of payments. The plans will be consulted on over the coming weeks.

From next April, the compensation scheme will effectively replace the existing financial support scheme – versions of which have been in place since 1989. In recent years they have been worth more than £40,000 a year to some, such as those who have been infected or, if they have died while benefitting, their partners.

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